First off thanks for your interest in signing up for Armor Games!
If you have completed the two-step account sign up and are having difficulties with the second step (verifying your account) please visit our Account Verification page for more detailed assistance.
Create your account!
We have two ways to begin the account sign up process. Using your Facebook account, or by registering directly at our site. These steps will walk you through signing up for an account via the page or directly via our registration page,
Step 1. Locate the Create Account button on the upper left of the page and click it.
Step 2. Fill out the requested account information.
Step 3. Registration will be completed, but you will need to verify your email address before you can log into the site.
The email verification will be sent to you within 24-hours, though most often it will be less time than that. If you need help to verify your account please make sure to check our Account Verification page for some additional details.
Need addtional help with regestering an account?
Here are some additional Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and errors that you may see when signing up for an account using our Register New Account page.
- This error occurs when you try and enter a Username that includes inappropriate characters.
- For example, Rave+Penguin would cause this error to appear. Whereas Rave_Penguin would be an acceptable username in terms of using special characters.
- These errors will appear if we have matching information in our database.
User Name Provided is not available
- The user name that you are attempting to sign up with has already been used to create an account.
- If this is your account name and you have not deleted the account previously, you can use the account recovery feature on our site to request a new password be sent to the email address you entered during the account sign up process or when you last updated the email.
- If this is not your account, the best way to handle this error is to try another username to sign up.
Provide a valid email address.
- The email address that you used is associated with an account already.
- If you have another account already please updated the email address to something else. This will free up the email address to be used to sign up for your new account.
- This can also happen if you have recently deleted an account but didn't update the email field to a different email address prior to deleting the account.
Still need some help with registering an account?
Please contact us and let us know what has happened.
Subject > Account Help
Message > Please include the email address, account name, email address and a description of the error or a screen capture. If you signed up with Facebook, please include this detail as there are different situations that we'll need to troubleshoot with you.
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