The following are the common questions that the Armor Games support team has been asked about the Steam release of The Adventure Pals. As we get more questions, this page will be updated.
When will the game be released?
The Adventure Pals was unlocked on April, 3rd 2018 on Steam.
What is the rating for the game?
- To learn more about the ESRB and it's ratings please check out the ESRB webpage.
I'd like to learn more about the game.
In addition to The Adventure Pals Steam store page, we have some more information about the game, its creator, awards, and soundtrack on the Armor Games Studios website.
Need to report an issue with the game?
Please post all bugs on the official bug Steam sub-forum for The Adventure Pals.
If this is related to a potential bug, in order for us to make sure we get all of the information that the developers need to test your report, please include a detailed description of what went wrong along with the following information,
- OS and Version (i.e. Windows 10 64-bit)
- Your Steam ID
- RAM, how much you have
- The version of The Adventure Pals you have installed.
- Any error message and details or a screen capture or an URL where we can see the picture or video.
One of the common first steps that we're suggesting the community try out first is to verify the integrity of the game files. The Steam Support Knowledge Base has a guide for how to do this.
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