The 404 Error means that the web page you were trying to reach could not be found on the site.
Some of the more common causes of this error appearing on the site include,
There may be a typo in the address that was entered.
- Check the spelling of the link and make sure that it's directing you to our site
You are trying to access a game page that isn't available.
- If this is related to a game page please check the news and announcements forums to see if the game has been taken offline
You found a bad link
- If you have clicked on a link on another page and the new page that loads up gives you this error, please report this to us in the support forms. Please also include,
- The URL address of the page you were on
- What you clicked on, such as a button or a word
- The address of where the link directs you to.
- Please r-click on the link itself, locate the "Copy Link Location" in the sub-menu
- Then you can paste the copied address without it loading the 404 page
There may be a connection issue
Connection issues are a little complex to diagnose what could be causing it. Most often waiting a little bit of time and trying it again should solve most issues. If after an hour the game still is giving you problems, please post on the forums so our mods can contact someone on the team ASAP. Please make sure to include the name of the game as well. :)
Note: If you are playing an MMO, please check the game's web page and forums to see if there is maintenance going on.
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