We use the reCAPTCHA system from Google on a few pages of our site. This page will attempt to answer the most common questions about the reCAPTCHA system.
Why is this on your site?
Having the CAPTCHA feature helps us to help combat spam and spam bots from being able to sign up for accounts in mass.
How does it work?
When you click the checkbox to show that you are a person and are not using a script or bot to create an account or submit a help request, you will see a series of images that you will need to interact with. Simply tap on any tiles you see with the object described in the text. If new images appear with the same object, tap those as well. When there are none left, click Verify.
I'm getting an error.
"Cannot contact reCAPTCHA. Check your connection and try again."
This error can be caused by many reasons, old browsers that don't support it, Javascript is turned off, internet connection latency and web extension incompatibilities are some of the more common causes.
Here are some simple tips to try to troubleshoot this error,
Browser Suggestions
- Make sure that you have a Javascript enabled browser and it is enabled
- Try disabling any browser extensions or plugins temporarily
- Use your Private Window or in Incognito mode on your browser and then access the registration or contact us pages
- Delete cookies in your browser if this happens regularly
Network Suggestions
- The reCAPTCHA feature may be having connection issues itself. You can give the site some time before trying to sign up again
- Check your connection to the internet to make sure that it's not encountering a long delay
- If you are opening multiple websites at once, wait until all pages load completely, try again
If you found another workaround for this error, please let me know by posting on my profile!
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