If your account was accidentally deleted, please contact us to get help with restoring access to the account. Select Account Help as your subject in this case.
We will need you to include the following information in your contact.
- The Account Name that you have deleted in error
- Email address that was associated with the account at the time that it was deleted
- Email address that you would like added to the account (pending account verification)
- This email address cannot be associated with another account on our site.
- If it is we will need to contact you to ask for another email
- The date of birth that was added to this account
- Three quests that you have completed for the account.
- If you have no completed quests, then saying you didn't have quests will be fine.
Please note that if you continue to delete accounts and request them to be un-deleted several times that at some point we may be unable to assist you. Deleting your account is intended to be permanent.
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