Without a specific error message, here are some quick steps that you can try out to help troubleshoot your problem.
- Important Note: If you have ad-blocking in place, this can cause many problems. We recommend that you remove it and try again first.
- Sometimes the issue can be resolved by simply rebooting the machine, we suggest you try this next.
- If it persists, try clearing your browser's cache.
- How do I clear my cache? Check this article.
- Still having issues?
- Try a separate browser. If you're using Internet Explorer, try Chrome or FireFox.
- Try loading the site in an Incognito or Private Window.
- Make sure your Flash Player is enabled for your browser.
If you are playing an MMO, please visit the MMO Purchase Help page.
That didn't solve my problem.
If the steps above do not work for you please contact us and include the error message or a link to an uploaded image of the error.
Please Note: If the game you are playing isn't listed on that form, then our support team may not be able to help you as we do not have access to the payment systems and processors. Your MMO or the game may have a dedicated staff that is managing the in-game payments for the game that we can help you get into contact with.
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